Jay Mage
1 min readMar 10, 2022


What you ask can be done....What many don't know, we're all made of metal but mostly just one...The second salt was implanted long long ago...It was implanted to show us what we truly don't know ....We remove this metal like stripping
outside pedals from a rose ...But with puppets at the helms their nose only grows ....Maybe it's because that's all they have to show. My second salts about gone this I do know... As my trust is abandoned it's like rust left from the show.....

Never was there "Two" it was always just One ...The Bi-nary spell was cast and has peaked all but done . Time to point out its the Southern Sett of one Most accept it as *evil ....run from it stall ... it's darkness it's ancient,ancestral,enhanced by not seeing Sun/Son at all ..It came from mother it grew and given to all fawn ...It scares all destroys many all but a few ..It is fungal , reptilian, and mother did sew... It's to live* its not evil* poison just let it flow... I think it's possible the rose might absorb us all...and the seeds that we are ....hopefully we'll sprout before fall...
Jay Mage Publications....



Jay Mage

We’re an inter-dimensional, mind-warped, digital educational experience with the ambition to strengthen tomorrows mind by melting today’s brain.