Jay Mage
1 min readMar 6, 2022


Sirupe slurping Sloth set forth by Ole Thoth

Burns a bit and so dries up my spit, but the silver lense perception of my site won’t let me quit. Human project seems swift, quick and new ….slithering of two encircles all but a few … With the electric venom vector and victor in view, digging for strength ,never did they subdue. No agenda at heart or ill intentions pursued , I reached out to the Association. Why not reach out to you….Is the collection data the best received with no view or is the info most wanted attained with a consultation with you. I welcome your presence. I know when in my view but my straight face gathers data esp. when they coo. Gaussian bells hit my drums but trace back to the schools. While faithful instigating pups try to learn as a tool but they measure profiles which emit… from a vaporizing fool.



Jay Mage

We’re an inter-dimensional, mind-warped, digital educational experience with the ambition to strengthen tomorrows mind by melting today’s brain.